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If you are turning 15 or have an unrepeatable event, the best way to relive it in the present and in the future is VIRTUAL REALITY in the 360-degree format, leaving all audio-visual formats in the past and in a short time. What does it mean? When each Smartphone user has the glasses (both on Android and on iPhone and Windows), the 2d and 3d videos will be left behind since they do not allow you to go through your party as if you were inside seeing everything that happens around you, do not miss this opportunity and do it thinking about the future already present.


PI edited your quote for the different options that we present below:


A) Some activities of the event are covered, the most important 1/2 hour


B) all activities are covered, remaining throughout the event+back of greetings in 360º from the guests at the moment of the party+2 VR glasses equipped with immersive material


C) Same as option *A*…+  back of greetings from guests+cover other moments prior to the party. Ex: preparation of the birthday girl, and photographic back in the room, etc. +2 VR glasses equipped with immersive material --> VR photo video clip for guests to watch+photo booth with fun party favors

Example of your photographic material to see in the glasses during your event 


  1. A photo booth and to make messages in virtual reality to the quinceañera "the booth comes equipped with fun party favors"

  2. 2 virtual reality glasses equipped with immersive material / video clip of photos in VR (example of the video that we showed previously above) for the glasses of the stand for the guests to watch.




We create content in general for social networks, events, advertisements, android app... everything that is available in virtual reality.


we created a photo and video booth in virtual reality format for any type of event... the guests will be able to download the photos... send it by whatsapp and they would also take it printed... and as for the video messages, delivered to the client in any storage platform or uploaded to the network as required by the client. We have a stand with 2 virtual reality glasses with all the previous content of the guests


All the content can be uploaded to the GIUSAN social networks if the client so authorizes it... in case of not authorizing it, you will be advised on how to view the content outside the networks.

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